Monday, March 17, 2008

The Signs....

I have been writing a new song for the past 5 hours. It's late at night and my friend Patti just got up to go to work (woohoo fedex). I am excited to be getting back in touch with the part of me that likes to write at night, that I have the space around me to be able to do it. (looking at the electric guitar in the corner, wondering if I have THAT much space around me...hmm). Anyway, been doing that in between talking to one of my best mates on the West Coast who was driving home after a gig and was happy to 'shoot the shit' with me while I kept her awake on her drive.

After talking with her I started to stick notes up on my wall....I am a big believer in putting notes up to remind myself of things...and I don't just mean buying milk kinda things. I mean really big things that I forget about myself and could do with remembering again. Infact, years ago I had a great therapist who told me to put notes like that in the loo, because it was the one place you would most likely be more than once a day....

Around my space right now I have these signs:




(no one else's required)

(no contorting into smaller pieces of yourself to make others feel better)

I feel strangely relieved to read those things. To remember. To feel my heart be really happy to remember them. So, what signs would you put up around your space? Or what signs DO you have up now? Feel like sharing? I would like to hear.



KCmustang said...

Right now ... right where i am, right now.... my signs

"rethink choices"

"Some things have to be believed to be seen"

"I feel good when I am thankful"

"When you come to the edge of all the light you have known and are about to step out into the darkness, FAITH is knowing one of two things will happen...There will be something to stand on or You will be taught how to fly"

"Be one in a million"

....and there are my favorite fortune cookie fortunes taped to my desk...

I like that one Celebrate who you are .... i think i only remember to do that on my birthday.... and of course today....St. Patty's day....

Happy St. Patty's day.

megster said...

hmmm..a great concept..nothing there presently..time for some reflecting..

Anonymous said...

How about:

"Your worst enemy cannot harm you
As much as your thoughts, unguarded.
But once mastered,
No one can help you as much."

I read your blog and it reminds me how similar people's experiences are. It doesn't matter if you're a doctor, a production worker, or a musician, what you feel, other people feel or have felt in their life, too. It takes someone with the guts to put themselves out there and show the raw and real, like you do, to remind each us of our common bond. I admire your strength and courage. To communicate so openly and honestly is a beautiful thing, a gift, I think. Never change.

Anonymous said...

Notes for the toilet?

1. "Buy more toilet paper."

2. "Breathe." (optional in the loo)

3. "Change is not loss; it is change alone."