Friday, April 11, 2008

I rode 5 miles, until I got to this sign and decided that it was just that, a sign.

So I turned around and will start the trek back, which is never as much fun as getting here. And that reminded me of love, of falling in love and my heart ached and pined and I knew I had to let it do its thing. Not ignore it, or chide it or speak harshly or reach for my phone, but to just let it be.

I pushed my body until it ached, until it woke and until the only moisture falling from it was sweat from my body and not from my eyes.

And I felt the wind on my face and caught moments of blue between the moments of black.......

and I knew



KCmustang said...

awe... thank you for doing your thing and sharing your beautiful and painful journey.

and i can not believe you are out there in these 30mph winds. what a work out...much like life.

Anonymous said...

your words are beautiful.


KCmustang said...

I believe you have a gift of sight. I have ridden past there hundreds of times....and only today did i see the sign. You are so gifted with words. Thanks for helping me love the trek out even more. You will feel stronger with time.

Anonymous said...

you mean going back after falling in love right, i think that's what you mean? and I can attest, that SUCKS!! sorry...i know that isn't helping any.
