Friday, April 18, 2008

The whitehorse

So, this is where famed poet, Dylan Thomas died of alcohol poisoning on the steps of the whitehorse tavern on the Hudson. It feels very.....hmm, how should I say, poetic?

These people here make up a crew of people who are musicians, artists and EPA workers who were a big part of the clean up here for 911. Sitting here listening to the stories of 'so and so saved my life because'.....makes me feel very humbled and honored to be in their presence.

There is but a song waiting to happen....but for now, it might be another cold beer.



megster said...

poetry and stories, beauty in the wilderness and the city and in the folk around you..some rich times for you M...very cool tattoo..really love the tavern pic..

megster said...

hey Tink, i am yet another meg..and yet another not the meg you're thinkin' of..cheers to ya anyways..

KCmustang said...

i am beyond the point of envy...have a cold one for me!

Tink said...

Well, nice to meet you anyway Meg! I'm in Oz too...but am only an honorary aussie.