Friday, April 25, 2008

Morning blues?

What are your cures for the morning blues? I wonder how you get thru them? Tell me all, oh wise ones....



Tour Wonk said...

Uhh... Duh!! COFFEE!!!!!

megster said...

not so wise one here..i can't speak for other folk.but I'd be interested to hear too..sometimes i'm not in a place to delve too deep till it lifts so...yeah coffee, shower, sunlight, headspace, walk, a plan to follow to get me going and focus on other tasks and sometimes a trusty solid friend to talk it thru until the morning blues move by some...

Anonymous said...

When I feel down I try to look at what are my choices. Even in the worse of situations there is a choice and with a mindful understanding of the options one honors their power. In understanding of ones power there is less a feeling of powerlessness, which at least for me is the cause of the "blues." With some encounter of the "blues," I try to talk with friends or if it is really bad a therapist about it, so I can avoid the life "potholes" in the future. Try to take a different way or work my way around the rut. If none of that works I make art, I paint, I sew, I find a way that allows me to better know my nonverbal self and give me a sense of purpose. Feeling purposeful for me is also a feeling of power. To further my idea of power, it is not a feeling of controlling others, which has given power a bad name, but rather a feeling of understanding one's self. Who is the wise one? Perhaps she/he is our universal unconscious, that which connects us all?