Monday, April 28, 2008

New things..

So, its all about 'new' over this way. I am sitting here working on my new website, which will hopefully be up this week (I would cross my fingers if I could move them off the keyboard).

I just got word that a new cd review will be up on the 'after ellen' website (will let you know when after I have read it). was snowing a little bit here before....although that part isn't new, infact, I can't believe I am saying it already...but that is getting rather old. Lol.

In other news, its mates central over this way this week. I have the delightful Ms Trina Hamlin and the non ho, tour ho, Wendy coming to stay for the week and we will institute the first annual Midwest tennis championship. THEN, tomorrow the beautiful Lyndell Montgomery is in town playing with Chris Pureka and we all get together for an evening of music and frivolity. Sure many photos will be forth coming.

Somewhere in between all that, I get ready to head out on the road on Friday to begin to launch the new baby in some kind of official capacity. About time says me.

Will be hitting Indiana with a flurry of activity this weekend that will indeed include a night of drinking sambuca and eating great greek food. Been planning this night for over 6 months!!

And then....CA, here I come!!


1 comment:

Tour Wonk said...

Thank you for dispelling the non-rumor that I was a tour ho!

I will reward your goodness by NOT hitting you in the head with any tennis balls!