Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So, you are close, but actually....this is a road trip to Connecticut first. NYC on Friday for a new tattoo and then me of the non Jews gets to celebrate passover in New Jersey on Saturday.

Its beautiful out here, its actually green and sunny and warm and does wonders for my being. The dudes in El Frida are being slackasses about a bit of a nanby panby drive to come meet the Aussie (you know who you are and probably not what I am talking about). And what a great bloody way to see more of the country.

My stars and my extremely 'spot on' physic reading yesterday tells me that love and hotness is in the air and I have a few moments of sweetness to experience all of those things over this weekend.

My heart is free, it feels like a perth spring day and a bazillion experiences await.

This is a most fortunate life!



Tink said...

Okay, my first post on the blog. =)

I'm so curious about the new tat! What are you gonna get and where?! I'm in tattoo mode lately myself and am dreaming up my next one. You gotta post pictures when it's done.

The only time I get homesick is when I hear about someone going to NYC....
Please whisper hello from me.

In the spirit of sharing that seems to be rampant around here, I came across a quote the other day that spoke volumes to me: "no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."

megster said...

Hey Tink, ..I liked the quote alot, thanks for posting!

megster said...

may all those great things head your way, have fun!

Connie said...

Hello Tink, glad you could make it, Mardi do Share. And fill us in on the details about pass over, ive always been curious.

Anonymous said...

So that's where Perth's good weather went! Glad you're smiling in the sunshine...and also glad you're looking forward to a bazillion experiences...(at first I read it as a Brazilian experience which is not as fun... unless you're with a Brazilian)

Anonymous said...

hey meg & concesca. :)

meg - i don't know you, do i? just checking you're not the meg i already know from elsewhere?
