Friday, June 6, 2008

The Divine.....

My friend Deb in AZ has been helping me through a mini know, one of those days when everything seems like it has no answer. We talked a lot about just sitting with uncomfortable feelings, heart pains etc....not attaching yourself to them, but just identifying them and letting them fall away. Feed them for a moment, if you have to, and at the end of the moment...move on. That being conscious of them and where they are coming from is a HUGE moment in and of itself.

She reminded me of the following three things to do on days like those...

Have Strong intent (be clear about what you want)

Make the Right effort (be conscious of being prepared to do the 'work' whatever it is and not treading on anyone else)

Divine grace (connecting with to ask for help)

It seems to be a daily lesson for me and sometimes I forget to remind myself or to take myself back to this place. But these three things are going up onto the back of my door...and I am looking for a body part to (not)

Off to the Indigo Girls show tonight - my mate Julie Wolf is playing with them and I get to go and make faces at her on stage!


1 comment:

megster said...

would that be the back of the toilet door ;) hooray for friends like Deb...have a wild time, it should be brilliant!!