Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I swear, I have never seen a cat lay on its back like this and sleep. Is this an anomaly or have I just been missing out?

This is dominic, my fur husband.



KCmustang said...

Well, Muriel will lay on her back, watch TV and fall asleep...however Muriel does NOT like her belly rubbed. Logan on the other hand rolls on his back and likes belly rubs, but does not sleep on his back. Abby, the senior cat, only sleeps in the sun or under a blanket.

megster said...

Dominic looks cuddly and is it because i have had a frantic day and am feeling addled or does he look kinda like you've hung him up on the wall...our Blixa does the tummy exposing thingo but only on warm days

megster said...

felt compelled to leave another comment since the word thats not a word was kcqareti..
kc 'quite a rev-head extraordinary (&) thoroughly irish'

and a ps on much as I pondered the star eluded me..maybe a butterfly? was my guess..would not have known but for the explanation added in 'writings'..a lovely magical work..thanks.