Sunday, June 1, 2008

Perfect nites

I have my 55 year old guitar out on the front verandah. A nice glass of red, new tunes running through my brain. Birds and baby squirrels running around. Its a stunning night and I am wondering WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU JEMMA? I can see us here, writing, shooting the shit, singing up a storm and laughing our asses off (in between the occasional snort) (from you, I don't snort).

I think these songs will be called in years to come, my 'angry phase'. Lol. Hey, ani made a hell of a living from it, sure I will find a fact, some of us probably know each



Anonymous said...

dude did you paint your toenails??? Thats a bit girly isn't it, next thing you will be getting brazillians!!! LOL

KCmustang said...

is it just me or is the color of the toenail polish the same as the wine. Burgandy red?? lol!!

Connie said...

now now alex, jelousy is a curse. Mardi your toenails look fab, was it a dare?

Anonymous said...

cute toes Martine! My first thought, "cute enough to nibble". Uhm, truly, I DON'T have a foot fetish. .. really. It's just that toes can be so cute. Don't ya think?? :p

Speaking of which, I almost got my toes nibbled by a baby squirel yesterday. It was sniffing my sandled feet. So cute, but not cute enough for me to see what it would do next.

Don't ask about the packing. I'm still in the planning process. :)


Anonymous said...

HERE I AM! Doing precisely the same thing, by a campfire in my backyard with friends who have drunk too much gin and a puppy who nibbles my toes! *snort*