Thursday, July 24, 2008

Blue skies

Shining on me. Nothing but blue skies, is what I see.

I love the blue of the sky. It makes me happy and light and inspired. Summer out here is a good thing. Sitting outside, beautiful breeze, hanging with mates, playing music, talking, being. The fruit of life. Everyday I am further away from the past 6 months, the more I feel myself again. People told me that it would just take time and at the time I didn't or, couldn't believe, them. But its true, and now I will pay it forward and tell others the same truth.

In gratefulness for those that passed their truth along to me.



Anonymous said...

That's just great Martine! I'm glad to hear you're feeling more back to normal. It's funny because I JUST sang that song a couple days ago and thought of you. I guess it was the best kind of forshadow.

Much Love To You, ~Tory

Anonymous said...

This is good...very good.

megster said...

ahhhh, hearing that is music to my good to know this healing process is happening for you...

Girl on a road said...

my heart is smiling so big!