Wednesday, July 23, 2008

For my bro

Its 2.30pm on a Wednesday and I am hanging out with a crew of mates (who r all teachers and on school holidays, hence the reason they can hang out at said time), we are shooting the shit, sharing amazing damn stories of life, sucking back the blue moon and waiting for the ribs to slow cook on the BBQ. I put this here for my little bro, who I KNOW would love to be here right now.....hanging with the chicks, shooting the shit, making us laugh (coz he's a funny fucker), waiting for the ribs to cook.

Tis a good life my friends. Good mates, good food, good chats, good adventures, good music, good love abounds and I am grateful for the beautiful, honest, down to earth, passionate, funny as all fuck, solid humans that are in my world...all the others can fuck the hell off.

But back to my brother. I love him too.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice day!

megster said...

yeah to that! sounds like a brilliant day..teachers get all my respect..hope y'all have wonderful summer break!