Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I am sitting in the DRs office, about to get checked out because of the car accident last week, and the nurse walked in to do all my blood pressure stuff when she noticed the tattoo on my arm.

'This, too, will pass'

She held her hand to her heart and I watched as goose bumps rose on her arms and tears welled up in her eyes. She told me her mum use to say that to her all the time when she was alive and that she felt it was a sign from her mum to remember. Seems her son has just been shipped off to Afghanistan and mumma is stressed and nervous to send her youngest born off. Hell, who would blame her.

We both concurred that all things, good and bad, will pass.


1 comment:

Tour Wonk said...

I love that Martine.

You are a gift.