Monday, July 21, 2008

Shamus loving....

Good morning from Crystal Lake, IL. This is Shamus loving on the little lovely Ella. Seems Shamus was desperate for a cuddle from somewhere and made himself right at home on the lovely sleeping Ella (and btw, my first child would be called Ella, I love that name) (umm, no news to report on that front, just to stop you from asking).

Its a slow morning over here, there's been huge thunderstorms for most of the morning (saying that just for you DW, lol..I know! I know!) and we are all sitting here in our pjs, drinking coffee and watching the View...oh, don't even get me started about these girls..where has Whoopie's hair gone??

Hey, have you seen the new jibjab clip for the next election? Its very funny, those guys have a great story of how they created this wildly successful business out of parody. Go here:

In other really exciting news, the wonderful JJ Jones has been confirmed to come and play the red rock women's music festival in Utah next month with me AND we are trying to work it for the big Tado in Indy in September as well!

JJ is a fabulous drummer/percussionist who jumped in on the finale song with me at the National Womens Music Festival last month. It was an amazing performance and we both looked at each other afterwards and voted for playing together more!!! I wasn't sure how it was going to happen and just threw the idea out to the universe..and low and behold, two days later she was booked to come the fest. Love that stuff...can't wait to play with her.

So..for now it's back to gazing at Ella and Shamus



KCmustang said...

Ella is a great name... my first born non first born is that name. Looks like you will be rockin it in Utah and Indy...i highly recommend peeps catching that gig they were great together at NWMF.

Anonymous said...

Ah the thunderstorms...I miss them. Sometimes always sunny, Southern Cal gets boring.

megster said...

very very cute pic
good giggin news too

Anonymous said...

So cute, they both look like they could fit very nicely into my arm, something to think about. I have the cats, not the baby, is reproduction just an insane idea? Or is it meant to be crazy?

It is so odd how so many people in my life have asked my partner and I “are you going to have children?” Recently a friend told me all of my art was a visual landscape of fertility and when I looked at it she was right. I love her, but it just annoys me when things come up this way, karmic justice I suppose. Today at work I was assisting a woman in the women’s room, we do this many time in the week it is a part of life’s routine for her. I find her to be so intuitive, she reads me like a freaking book, she pointed to my belly (not pregnant, just some lovely flab that has been there from before she knew me) and said when are you having the baby? She was not being mean, she was serious in her tone. Though she said it more like “baby? (My name)’s baby? When, hu? You, you and (my partner’s name). So many women my partner and I know are jumping in head first into the gay baby boom. Perhaps a little crazy is healthy? Perhaps if I think long enough it will pass me and I will be a crone before I decide. What a relief that would be or perhaps a great sorrow?

Then I find a cute baby on your log, which I must say I read way too much (what a freaking voyeur I am). I am trying to remember this feminist theory article I read when I was in college and think babies are parasites, children are parasites that require you to loss your identity to become a mother. Then I remember when I first read the article I was horrified. The woman who wrote the article was right though. It is true, babies are parasites, but a parasite is not always a bad thing, it was just a description.

Well maybe I will just go off and become a mid wife? Then I would not have to have the baby, but could participate as a voyeur, LOL. Perhaps I will be someone’s Goddess mother, or favorite Aunty instead?

Well there is a very long rant, hope you are all doing well, playing music, making babies or hoping not to make a decision anytime soon!
