Friday, May 9, 2008


So, what's the only thing right now that will pull me out of my warm cosy bed at 5am?


A visit to the LA flower market of course!

If you were here with me, the colors and the smells of thousands of beautiful flowers, some you may never have seen before, would overwhelm your senses (even with a snotty nose, I can still smell them). You would hear the noises of all the flower dudes as they run around doing their thing, talking in all different languages, an excitement in their voices. The sounds of carts whizzing from here to there.

Walking thru the aisles you would most likely be astounded by the variety of smells you have with every-single-step and occasionally you may even find yourself a little misty eyed over the absolute beauty of this many colors all in one place.


1 comment:

KCmustang said...

i like how this picture captured so much of what you wrote..."if you were here with me" sounds like a good title of ..hmmm

can't say i have ever been to the LA flower market....but glad to be able to experience through your blog!

Sooo back in the midwest the lilac and magnolia trees are in bloom and there are spots on my walk that capture the fragrance of a blooming schrub or tree and it always causes me to abruptly stop in my tracks and inhale. I can only imagine... fragrance in each step... like you are having there!

Hope you are feeling a little better!