Tuesday, May 27, 2008


There was a box waiting for me when I got home from tour over the weekend. In it was this lion with the words 'courage' around his belly and a letter from 'the girls in evansville' as I like to call them. This amazing group of women who run the Inside Out Festival in Evansville, Indiana. Their letter was filled with beautiful, encouraging words that touched my heart deeply and made me feel unbelievably grateful for the dimensions of my world.

I get to do this 'job', I travel around the world playing music, doing what I love....along the way I get to work with some great folks. Good, solid, beautiful people... who become my friends. I am not kidding you, sometimes I get most excited to be heading to an area because it means that I get to hang out with those people again.

And those evansville girls are like that for me. I love em, am humbly grateful for them, and can't wait to see their smiling faces again.



megster said...

amazing, what wonderful chicks and what a cute little dude

Girl on a road said...

ok - wait....am I the only one who thinks the lions mane looks like yours????

Hope to see you soon!