Friday, May 2, 2008

A PC Convention?

Nope, its just mornings here.....

We are all laughing at ourselves....AND we are IM'ing each other as we sit. I am wondering if they will notice if I just sneak into the back of the tour van and head out with them. Today we all say 'see ya later' and go our separate ways and there's always a moment of sad that comes with it. We will see each other again in Indy in a month, but still....

Love these girls....they have been sweet salve to my heart....and to my ass, which slightly hurts either from playing tennis or being slapped on the ass often. These are things that stay in the tour van..



Tour Wonk said...

BTW... thanks for the crib, Mate!


Anonymous said...

these people are just weird and poorly adapted

Anonymous said...

oh, I should specify that was from the girl in the pink pj pants