Monday, May 12, 2008

What do you call...

Putting yourself into 105 degrees of heat with 100% humidity.....sweating until you have absolutely nothing left to give. Your body exhausted and stretched to the max?

What do you call that, aside from stupid? Bikram Yoga. Its hot and sweaty and you put your body into positions that don't seem possible and somewhere in it all you stop fighting your brain and the voices that put you down and you breathe and just beg for the end of class. Lol.



KCmustang said...

lol..this is sooo funny.... and a big reason why i fear walking through the doors of a beginners Yoga class let alone a Bikram Yoga experience.... hopefully you rid the cold in the process. I would be so breathless not sure i could make it to the end of class. wow

megster said...

sounds like a great motivation to stop fighting those voices before you get started, ha