Monday, May 19, 2008

My friend Mayra and I are sitting here drinking wine, talking about our lives and what we have gone through and pulling cards....she has every card pack known to woman. We have dolphin, medicine, angel, fairies, miracle, angels, and intuition cards to choose from. We are taking cards from each pack and reading them out to one another.

I just pulled this card.

Card meaning : don't settle for less than your dreams. Once you make the commitment to manifest and improve your situation, the universe will find a way to deliver it to you.

Deep down, you know what type of life you're meant to live. By drawing this card, you're being reminded that you deserve and can manifest any situation you wish.

Affirmation : I deserve and expect the best in life. I hold high standards for myself.


KCmustang said...

yeah! Beautiful cards! i hope to find my answer in the bottom of a glass of red....since i am not holding any cards at the moments.

megster said...

watch that wine KC!!