Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lo lo lo lola

Its a beautiful sunny day here in thousand oaks and whilst not all the snot is gone, it feels amazing to stand out in the sun and throw the conch for my doggy mate lola (I had to bribe her with the conch for this photo).

I have started reading the book 'eat pray love' again. I read it when it first came out and loved it but feel connected in a 'that's part of my life now' kinda way. If you are going through any life transition or questioning what makes you happy in this world, its a great book to read to let you see someone elses journey and how they made it out the other end. Sometimes the question 'what makes me happy' is way too fucking scarey to ask and seemingly insurmountable to answer. But oh what an important question. It will change the rest of your life.

I read a report yesterday that said something like 80% of people asked, are waiting for someone to save them. I know I use to be one of those people. I realise the future options for my life are only limited by me and my fears. And that can be exciting in a 'oh my god there is so much to do' kinda way but also in a 'oh my god, I have to vomit' kinda way.

These are my sunny day thoughts....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Can see your tat in your right eye and the conch in your left. Great snap.